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British Society of
Sugar Technologists
Over 30 years of Service


Joining the British Society of Sugar Technologists

Welcome! You will find below, by way of an introduction, a fuller description of the Society and its activities. The Constitution is also available on this site. If you would like to join then you may do so on-line below.

What is the Society?

The British Society of Sugar Technologists was originally formed in 1981 [as the British Society of Sugar Cane Technologists] to provide a focus for the many United Kingdom residents who have connections with the cane sugar industry, including the growing of cane, its processing to raw and refined sugar and the utilisation of its products and by-products. Over the years the membership and its interests broadened to cover beet as well as cane and end users as well as producers so the society changed its name in 2004, dropping the word 'Cane' from its title.

Members include technologists who work or have worked in the industry, either directly or through consultancy companies, in the manufacture of equipment, plant and materials for use in both field and factory as well as those connected with service and similar industries.

The activities of the Society are arranged by an elected Council which comprises the President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary-Treasurer and at least four Trustees.

What are the Society's activities?

The Society meets twice a year; the Annual General Meeting is held in the spring in London and an Autumn Technical Meeting is held at a venue related to the industry. Over the years the ATM has been held at sites as diverse as the Thames Refinery, Brooms Barn Beet Research Centre, the Brewing Museum in Burton, the Thames Barrier, British Sugar Wissington, Didcot Rail Museum [2004 : the Bicentennial of rail] and even the Calais Sugar Terminal.

At these meetings papers are presented on a range of subjects, which in recent years have included aspects of sugar cane agronomy, field mechanisation, irrigation, cane pests, raw factory and refinery processing, power generation, computerised control systems, sugar as a food ingredient and market prospects. While giving members the opportunity to present and discuss formal papers, the meetings also provide a forum for the informal exchange of technical information.

The Society aims to increase its activities to encourage membership, particularly of younger technologists.

International Connections

The Society is affiliated to the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. Individual membership of ISSCT is facilitated by membership of BSST. The International Society meets every three years and provides an opportunity to visit countries where sugar cane is grown and processed. The Council has also established contact with sugar technology associations in other EU countries.


Persons eligible for membership are those U.K. residents having an interest in the sugar industry, including persons on assignments overseas, together with those persons resident in Europe or who are already members of a National or International Society of Sugar Technologists and who have been proposed by a Full Member. New members are particularly welcome.

Subscriptions are due annually on 1st January and should be paid preferably by Banker’s Order. The current subscription rate is £15.00 per annum. Several companies pay the membership fee on behalf of their employees.

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